Friday, April 29, 2011


This week we were once again producing texture; 36x6x6 squares dealing with a transition from light to dark. the end idea being that we would use a dark, medium and light texture on specific rectangles on our model.

I initially was ding textures that were more "artistic" in my tutor's words. Tim wanted me to do something more mathematical and rigorous. that is how i came up with the above textures. They all deal with differing degrees of opacity; often beginning close to, or at 1 and becoming more transparent from there. I particularly enjoyed the use of concentric circles and point-rule patterns.

I implanted these new texture into my Crysis level:

I used a dark texture for around Freud's workspace indicating privacy and deep internal contemplation. My ElectroLiquid Aggregation deals with freuds internal focus:
notice how the dark texture is complimented by the alcove formed by the rectangles and also the deep ravine behind.
I used a light texture on newtons work space such that his attention would be diverted out, away from his space toward the world around him, just as the ElectroLiquid Aggregation suggests:
The front two rectangles are the lighter texture. The foreground shows the medium texture discussed below.

I applied the medium texture to the main transit route; simply the mid range texture is an equilibrium to the two trains of thought taking place at either end. It thus serves to be a place of harmony and community for the two clients; my ElectroLiquid Aggregation does leave a space for harmony:

Another task set was to continue to develop our landscape; I had some fun with this and decided to create a volcano:
Standing on volcano looking towards studio's
getting hot

I thought perhaps in their spare time my clients could run a skydiving business. The catch in crysis being that as long as you hit the water first you will be fine; not needing a parachute would dramatically reduce overhead costs.

I then had to make additions to the model to assist in my ElectroLiquid Aggregation. For Newton I created another small, uninhibited deck/seat which newton could have his feet on as he contemplated his world, or simply pace along from end to end:

The very front deck was added and lightly textured to correlate with my ElectroLiquid Aggregation
The very front deck was added and lightly textured to correlate with my ElectroLiquid Aggregation

For Freud, i made his environment more enclosed by adding a further low wall to his alcove. I did not make the wall too high; because although they deal in elements removed from the physical world.... psychologists do have a grasp on and connection with the physical world through their internal consideration:


Thursday, April 28, 2011

EXPERIMENT2: week 2 Electroliquid Aggregation: Whilst Newton perceives the whole world, Freud is busy with the alcoves of the mind.

This week we were required to "mount" our axonometrics onto one another to create a 10 rectangles hybrid form. Attaching one to another was not especially difficult; however, reversing them was. I personally found that when reversed the shapes looked nothing like they had from the other side. It was a very interesting exercise in spatial awareness.

Perhaps the best example of this was the first:

Electroliquid Aggregation: The curve may well be too difficult to explain verbally; yet bilingual people will still try.

Electroliquid Aggregation: The best way to fix a crazy person is to imbue a subconscious sexual desire.

Electroliquid Aggregation: Because of gravity; if you punch someone they might fall down.

 After coming up with these hybrids and their respective Electroliquid Aggregation's; i set about playign with a couple of them in sketchup and thus importing them into Crysis:

 I decided after experimenting and coming up with a few new axonometrics (as discussed in eprvious post), they I liked the new form i had come up with:

Electroliquid Aggregation: Whilst Newton perceives the whole world, Freud is busy with the alcoves of the mind.
 I felt that this space could combine well with several landscaped i had conceptualized. on top of this; the notion of alcoves vs wide open spaces could be explored to great visual effect in crysis:

The deep ravine behind the building compliments Freud's contemplation "booth". he is isolated from the grandeur of the outdoors and is left to contemplate the inner workings of the mind as he stares into the inside of the world.

Alternatively; Newtons work area has a full view of the outside world; uninhibited by railing or barriers he is free to feel, experience and think about the mechanics of all things great and small; from the effect of a breeze on the surface of the water; to the greatness of an eruption of a volcano.


For the first week's activity we were required to do three things. Firstly, to research our clients and come up with 5 hypotheses per client. Secondly, to represent these hypotheses with a series of 6 axonometric drawings containing 5 rectangles each, and each reflecting a hypothesis from step one. Lastly, we had to create a 3D model of one of these drawings in sketchup and export it to Crysis.
These are my axonometric drawings:

Hypothesis: The curve may be too complicated to explain verbally.

Hypothesis:.Existence of gravity proves that there's not any two things that do not relate to each other.
The below image is the correct reversal of this axonometric. I included the error, because this was a fairly complicated process; thinking in 3D and the reversing. I felt including a couple of mistakes would be a more accurate representation of how I found this task.
Hypothesis: If you punch someone, even if the guy you punch doesnt feel pain, you will feel it anyway!

In this drawing i left some of the construction lines in because Russell said that how we produced the drawing was sometimes more interesting than the drawing itself. I also experimented with different shading; I didn't like it!
Hypothesis: The best way to fix a crazy person is through communication
Hypothesis: Everything anyone does is driven in some way by a subconscious sexual disire

Hypothesis: People who know more than one language talk more often.

I took the above drawing and developed it in sketchup; the final result, once exported into Crysis can be seen below:

The greatest difficulty I had with this weeks task was importing into Crysis. not only did all the files need to be directed to the right place; the only editor that would work properly was the editor inside the bin32... a detail which painfully skipped my attention.

In hindsight the sketches I did are rather crude, although in later weeks i developed some new ones which better suited the way I perceived the clients Newton and Freud:

Hypothesis: Newton perceives the whole world

Hypothesis: Freud's domain is within the alcoves of the mind.
As an engineering student, as well as a student of architecture; I routinely deal with how much Newton has changed the world; indeed the invention of calculus (invented simultaneously with Leibniz) has a meachanism for describing movement and being in any dimension and in any state; it is quite literally a tool with which to view and analyse the universe; thus he perceives the whole world.

Freud created the notion of psychopathology, and the significance of the subconscious. his medium is very much looking from the inside out; observing how the minutia of thought and the inner workings of the mind affect the entirety of a persons constitution; thus his domain in the alcoves of the mind.