Perhaps the best example of this was the first:
Electroliquid Aggregation: The curve may well be too difficult to explain verbally; yet bilingual people will still try. |
Electroliquid Aggregation: The best way to fix a crazy person is to imbue a subconscious sexual desire. |
Electroliquid Aggregation: Because of gravity; if you punch someone they might fall down. |
After coming up with these hybrids and their respective Electroliquid Aggregation's; i set about playign with a couple of them in sketchup and thus importing them into Crysis:
I decided after experimenting and coming up with a few new axonometrics (as discussed in eprvious post), they I liked the new form i had come up with:
Electroliquid Aggregation: Whilst Newton perceives the whole world, Freud is busy with the alcoves of the mind. |
The deep ravine behind the building compliments Freud's contemplation "booth". he is isolated from the grandeur of the outdoors and is left to contemplate the inner workings of the mind as he stares into the inside of the world.
Alternatively; Newtons work area has a full view of the outside world; uninhibited by railing or barriers he is free to feel, experience and think about the mechanics of all things great and small; from the effect of a breeze on the surface of the water; to the greatness of an eruption of a volcano.
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